Was Project Gutenberg easy to use? Do your think your patrons would be interested in a public domain service like Project Gutenberg? If a patron wanted help putting a title from Project Gutenberg on an eReader, do you think you would be able to help them?
I believe that Project Gutenberg was fairly easy for me to use. I am sure that some of the patrons would enjoy Project Gutenberg, but there are many patrons who prefer to check out and read items that would not be in the public doman (and so not on Project Gutenberg). When it comes to adding a book to an ereader, I am not sure that I could help someone with that. I have a Nook Color, and it was very hard trying to figure out how to add the ebooks that I had purchased from Borders to it. It would probably take some time, and some headaches, to figure it out. I would also have to change tactics for every ereader that was brought. They do not seem to use the same methods for add things (even from the Nook to the Nook Color). I really like my ereader, but when it comes to figuring things out, like downloading an ebook from Project Gutenberg on to my computer and then transfering it into my Nook, sometimes I get extremely frustrated. I can see someone who just received one for Christmas or their birthday being even more so.
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