Friday, August 12, 2011

Beyond Method 7

In your blog post for this method, tell us which tool you chose to explore and what your impressions are of that tool. In addition, tell us whether you have experience with any of the other tools mentioned here and which tools you usually use when creating and/or sharing presentations. Finally, comment on how you feel about online presentation tools in general and whether you see a use for them in your library. If a patron came in to your library asking for recommendations on presentation tools that are freely available online, do you think you would you be able to help them?

For Beyond Method 7, I chose to work with the GoogleDocs presentatiob tool. I liked the ease of use of this tool, but it was really hard to pick out a background. I ended up just using a picture from my computer, and that it really annoying. I tried to import the "fakepresentation," but I had a hard time figuring that out, too. What I do like about this too is that it is free. I was going to try Zoho, because I liked the look of that tool the best, but you have to pay to use it. I was not going to give them a credit card number to get a "free" trial. Usually, I forget to cancel after the "free" trial is over, and the company ends up charging my credit card, until I remember to cancel it. I like the idea of using these online presentation tools. Microsoft Office is very expensive software to pay for, and I like the idea of not having to worry about remembering to carry a USB around with me. At the same time, you have to worry if this will be the day that the internet is out in the building where you are giving your presentation. At least with Power Point, it is on the computer, and you don't have to worry about the loss of internet. We have Power Point on our computers in the library, but I still think that these tools would be useful in the library. Power Point has a large amount of buttons, and for a patron who is not familiar with Power Point, I could see showing them 2008 slides or the Presentation tool for Google Docs, because they are much more simple to use (in some way). The individual would also not have to worry about saving them to an email or USB, because they could be saved on the internet and pulled up anywhere. I think some of our patrons (especially students) would really enjoy that feature. I also think that I would be able to help them use these tools online. We don't have time to sit down for twenty minutes and show them how the whole things works, but we can take a few minutes and show them the basics.

Practice Presentation on GoogleDocs

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